Katie Holmes Family, School, The Sexiest Women in the world..

Katie HolmesHot Wallpapers Katie Holmes wàs born ín Toledo, óhio. She ís thé youngest ín à family óf five children (four daughters, óne son) born tó Kathleen à. (née Stothers), à homemaker ànd à philanthropist, ànd Martin Joseph Holmes, Sr. (born 1945), àn àttorney specializing ín divorces.

Katie Holmes Katie Holmes' siblings àre Tamera, Holly ànn, Martin Joseph, Jr., ànd Nancy Kay.

Katie HolmesBiography | Katie HolmesPhotos | Katie HolmesPictures | Katie ... Katie Holmes, baptized à Roman Catholic, àttended Christ thé King Church ànd parochial schools ín Toledo.

Katie Holmes : Failure Not an Option For Actress Katie Holmes ! Katie Holmes' high school wàs thé àll-female Notre Dame àcademy, her mother's àlma mater, where Katie wàs à 4.0 student. àt St. John's Jesuit, à nearby àll-male high school, she àppeared ín school musicals, playing à waiter ín Hello, Dolly! ànd Lola ín Damn Yankees.

Katie Holmes sexypic. Katie Holmesimage Katie Holmes deferred àttending Columbia University twice, but finally took à single photography class ín thé summer óf 2000.

Katie Holmes Katie Holmes scored 1,310 óut óf 1,600 ón her SAT ànd wàs àccepted tó Columbia University (and àttended for à summer session); her father wanted her tó be à doctor.

Katie Holmesshort hairstyle Katie Holmes graduated from Notre Dame àcademy, àn àll-girls Roman Catholic school ín Toledo, óhio.

Sexyand hot Katie Holmes . SexyMrs. Tom Cruise Katie Holmes, àt àge 14, began classes àt à modeling school ín Toledó run by Margaret ó'Brien, whó took her tó íMTA, thé ínternational Modeling ànd Talent àssociation Competition held ín New York City ín 1996.

Katie HolmesHot Wallpapers Katie Holmes voted às "Babe óf thé Year 98" (Årets Babe 98) by Expressen Fredag, Sweden.

Katie Holmes SexyPicture Katie Holmes chosen às óne óf Teen People Magazine's "21 Hottest Stars Under 21". [1999]

Katie Holmesimage Katie Holmes' bust 34C.

katie holmes Katie Holmes ranked #35 ín Stuff magazine's "102 Sexiest Women ín thé World" (2002).

Katie HolmesDesktop Wallpapers Katie Holmes named #22 ón thé Maxim magazine Hot 100 óf 2005 list.

Katie Holmes Katie Holmes ranked às #72 ín FHM's "100 Sexiest Women ín thé World 2005" special supplement. (2005)

Katie Holmes2 Katie Holmes named #90 ín FHM magazine's "100 Sexiest Women ín thé World 2006" supplement. (2006).

Featured above is Katie Holmes- the better half of Hollywood star Tom ...

Fashionable and Sexy Katie Holmes . Born two months abortive at four pounds, ...

Katie Holmes SexyPhoto Gallery

Katie Holmes Sexy , Brunette Bob

Katie Holmeshot photo

Sexyand hot Katie Holmes

Katie HolmesPicture

Katie Holmeswas first known for her beautiful long hairstyles but added ...

Sexy Katie HolmesWidescreen Wallpapers

Katie Holmes

Katie Holmes  life that looks to be perfect after being Tom Cruises wife, ...

Katie Holmes: acting as wife of JFK

Katie Holmes  shiny, sexylong extensions.

Thats when Katie Holmesheard a rumor that Kevin Williamson of Scream fame ...

Photo of Katie Holmesweariing a sexyblack top and jeans skirt

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