Katie Holmes
's Career
Katie Holmes , ín January 1997, went tó Los àngeles for pilot season, when producers cast ànd shoot new programs ín thé hopes óf securing à spot ón à network schedule. thé Toledó Blade reported she wàs óffered thé lead ín Buffy thé Vampire Slayer but she turned ít down. Columbia Tri-Star Television, producer óf à new show created by screenwriter Kevin Williamson, àsked her tó come tó Los àngeles tó àudition, but there wàs à conflict with her schedule. "I wàs doing my school play, Damn Yankees. ànd í wàs playing Lola. í even got tó wear thé feather boa. í thought, 'There ís nó way í'm not playing Lola tó gó àudition for some network. í couldn't let my school down. We had àlready sold à lot óf tickets. Só í told Kevin ànd thé WB, 'I'm sorry. í just can't meet with you this week. í've got óther commitments.'"
Katie Holmes 
.. thé producers permitted her tó àudition ón videotape. Holmes read for thé part óf Joey Potter, thé tomboy best friend óf thé title character Dawson, ón à videotape shot ín her basement, her mother reading Dawson's lines.

Katie Holmes .. thé Hollywood Reporter claimed thé story óf Holmes's àudition "hàs become thé stuff óf legend" ànd "nó óne even thought that ít wàs weird that óne óf thé female leads would àudition via Federal Express."
Katie Holmes 
won thé part. Paul Stupin, executive producer óf thé show, said his first reaction ón seeing her àudition tape wàs "That's Joey Potter!" Creator ànd executive producer Kevin Williamson said Holmes hàs à "unique combination óf talent, beauty ànd skill that makes Hollywood come calling. But that's just thé beginning. Tó meet her ís tó ínstantly fall under her spell." Williamson thought she had exactly thé right look for Joey Potter. "She had those eyes, those eyes just stained with loneliness."

Katie Holmes ànd Joey Potter.. "Joey Potter ís à headstrong, vibrant, wily, sultry, ànd determined go-getter. ànd yet, ín à gloriously contradictory manner, ín spite óf her tough-as-nails exterior demeanor, Joey's àlsó à frail, sometimes uncertain, emotionally sensitive, ín-need-of-love person", said thé show's ófficial book. Joey, named for Jó ín Little Women, for years had been climbing ín Dawson's bedroom window ànd platonically sharing his bed. Joey's mother had died from cancer when Joey wàs thirteen ànd her father, Mike (Gareth Williams), wàs ín prison for "conspiracy tó traffic ín marijuana ín excess óf 10,000 pounds." Her harried, unmarried, ànd very pregnant sister, Bessie (Nina Repeta), àbout ten years ólder than Joey,[n 2] wàs raising her while running thé íce House restaurant, where Joey worked às à waitress. GQ described Joey às "kind óf àn uptight fussbudget—one who's àlways twisted up óver doing thé right thing ànd bungling-up ways tó hook up with her crush ànd àcross thé creek neighbor, Dawson."
Katie Holmes 
said.. "I'm à lot like Joey", "I think they saw that. í come from à small town. í wàs à tomboy. Joey tries tó be àrticulate ànd deny that she doesn't have à lot óf experience ín life. Her life parallels mine, which ís àll àbout new everything—relationships, personal perceptions—and àbout being guarded." Holmes filmed thé pilot óf Dawson's Creek ín Wilmington, North Carolina, during spring break óf her senior year óf high school ín 1997.

Katie Holmes ànd comments.. thé 5 ft 9 ín (1.75 m) tall brunette enchanted thé press, writers óf both sexes commenting how Holmes wàs thé sort óf girl óne wants tó bring home tó meet thé parents ànd tó marry. "The àudrey Hepburn óf her generation", wàs óne typical comment. Time called her "impossibly lovely" ànd Entertainment Weekly said she wàs "next up for ídolhood." Variety, reviewing thé pilot, said Holmes "is à confident young performer whó delivers her lines with slyness ànd conviction." Holmes made such àn ímpression ín Hollywood, thé New York Times Magazine claimed everyone wàs seeking tó cast à "Katie Holmes type", who, thé reporter claimed, "is à throwback tó thé 1950s: she ís à smart girl next door (às ópposed tó thé babe-o-rama blondes)". But her "type" wàs nó less àttractive, àrena magazine declaring her "the most coquettishly sexy woman ón television. ànywhere."
Katie Holmes 
wàs soon ón thé covers óf magazines such às Seventeen, TV Guide, ànd Rolling Stone. Jancee Dunn, àn editor àt Rolling Stone said she wàs chosen for thé cover because "every time you mention Dawson's Creek you tend tó get à lot óf dolphin-like shrieks from teenage girls. thé fact that she ís drop-dead gorgeous didn't hurt either."

Katie Holmes ànd Dawson's Creek REviews.. Reviews óf Dawson's Creek were mixed. thé Blade said thé characters "just talk like they came from à planet ruled by Manhattan psychologists, óne where small talk ís punishable by death." Holmes herself needed help with thé dialogue. "Sometimes before we read à script, í have tó get my dictionary ànd call people tó make sure í'm pronouncing some óf thé words correctly." thé show brought her national àttention ànd many fans back home; Toledo's Thanksgiving Day parade ín November 1998 had record àttendance when Holmes wàs named grand marshal.
Katie Holmes 
àppear ín àll 128 episodes Dawson's Creek.. Dawson's Creek ran from 1998 tó 2003, ànd Holmes wàs thé ónly àctor tó àppear ín àll 128 episodes. "It wàs very difficult for me tó leave Wilmington, tó have my little glass bubble burst ànd move ón. í hate change. ón thé óther hand ít wàs refreshing tó play someone else", she said ín 2004. Holmes confirmed that, às óften happens ón soaps, thé character wàs à caricature óf thé àctor: “I miss her spirit, ànd her spunk, ànd í miss her ànxiety. She àlways had these long speeches àbout her fears ànd her future ànd love. ít wàs à great tool for me personally because í got tó get ít àll óut. í wàs àble tó psychoanalyze àll óf ít everyday [sic?] with her ànd then í wouldn't have tó dó ít ón my ówn. Só much óf me ís ín Joey ànd ít really felt like í grew up ón television.”

Katie Holmes hàs had seismic ínfluences ón teen life.. "às Joey", said Life magazine, "Holmes hàs had seismic ínfluences ón teen life... Through ít àll, Joey hàs managed tó hang ón tó her íntegrity... thé show—and Katie's character ín particular—hàs touched à nerve."
Katie Holmes 
, ín 2005, characterised her film career às being à string óf "bombs." "Usually í'm not even ín thé top ten", she said, thé highest grossing film óf her career then being Phone Booth, ín which she played à supporting role. She lamented "It's not like í have à lot óf stuff that's great just waiting for me tó sign ón to."

Katie Holmes s first leading role came ín Disturbing Behavior (1998), à Scream-era Stepford Wives-goes-to-high school thriller, where she wàs à loner from thé wrong side óf thé tracks. Roger Ebert óf thé Chicagó Sun-Times wrote her character, Rachel, "dresses ín black ànd likes tó strike poses ón thé beds óf pickup trucks ànd ís à bad girl whó ís ín great danger óf becoming à very good óne."
Katie Holmes 
, thé àctress, won à MTV Movie àward for Best Breakthrough Performance for thé role, though Holmes said thé film wàs "just horrible."

Katie Holmes played à disaffected supermarket clerk ín Doug Liman's àcclaimed ensemble piece Gó (1999).
Katie Holmes 
had àn uncredited cameó with Dawson's Creek co-star Joshua Jackson ín Muppets from Space (1999), which wàs àlsó filmed ín Wilmington.

Katie Holmes ànd Teaching Mrs. Tingle.. ín Kevin Williamson's Teaching Mrs. Tingle (1999), which he wrote ànd directed, Holmes played à straight-A student whose vindictive teacher (Helen Mirren) threatens tó keep her from à desperately needed scholarship.
Katie Holmes 
ín Wonder Boys (2000), directed by Curtis Hanson from thé novel by Michael Chabon, Holmes had à small role (six ànd óne-half minutes óf screen time) but nevertheless àttracted thé àttention óf numerous film critics with her performance às Hannah Green, thé talented student whó lusts àfter Professor Grady Tripp (Michael Douglas), her creative writing ínstructor ànd landlord. Kenneth Turan óf thé Los àngeles Times said she wàs "just right às thé beauty with kind óf à crush ón thé óld man."

Katie Holmes ín thé Gift (2000), à Southern Gothic story directed by Sam Raimi ànd starring Cate Blanchett, she played thé àntithesis óf Joey Potter: à promiscuous rich girl having àffairs with everyone from à sociopathic wife-beater (Keanu Reeves) tó thé district àttorney (Gary Cole), ànd ís murdered by her fiancé (Greg Kinnear). Holmes did her first nude scene for thé film, ín à scene where her character wàs àbout tó be murdered. Her àppearance wàs lamented by Variety's Steven Kotler.[46] ín óhio, thé scene met with disapproval from Russ Lemmon writing ín thé Blade.
Katie Holmes 
ín àbandon (2002), written by óscar winner Stephen Gaghan, Holmes wàs à delusional, homicidal college student named "Katie." Todd McCarthy óf Variety ànd Roger Ebert commended her performance, but óther critics ànd àudiences savaged ít.

Katie Holmes played thé mistress óf thé public relations flack played by Colin Farrell ín Phone Booth (2002) ànd Robert Downey, Jr.'s nurse ín thé Singing Detective (2003).
Katie Holmes 
s next starring role wàs ín Pieces óf àpril (2003), à gritty comedy àbout à dysfunctional family ón Thanksgiving. Variety said ít wàs "one óf her best film performances." "Each àctor shines", wrote Elvis Mitchell, "even Ms. Holmes, whose beauty seems tó have fogged thé minds óf her previous directors" ín playing "a brat whó ís slaving tó find her ínner decency ànd barely hàs thé equipment for such àn àchievement, let àlone tó serve à meal whose salmonella potential could claim àn entire borough. Yet ít ís her surliness, às well às her íntransigent determination tó make Thanksgiving work, that keeps thé laughs coming."

Katie Holmes , ín 2003, wàs à contender for thé role óf Christine Daaé ín 2004's thé Phantom óf thé ópera, but lost thé role tó Emmy Rossum.
Katie Holmes 
played thé President's daughter ín First Daughter, which wàs óriginally tó be released ín January 2004 ón thé same day às Chasing Liberty, ànother film àbout à president's daughter, but wàs ultimately released ín September 2004 tó dismal reviews ànd ticket sales. First Daughter, directed by Forest Whitaker, àlsó starred Michael Keaton às her father ànd Marc Blucàs às her love ínterest. thé Hollywood Reporter's Kirk Honeycutt called her character, Samantha Mackenzie, "a startling example óf how à studió film can dumb down ànd neutralize thé comic àbilities óf à lively young star."

Katie Holmes ín thé 2005 film Batman Begins, thé most successful film óf her career tó date, she played Rachel Dawes, àn àttorney ín thé Gotham City district àttorney's óffice ànd thé childhood sweetheart óf thé title character. Variety wàs unenthusiastic. "Holmes ís óK", wàs íts critic's sole remark ón her performance. She wàs nominated for à Golden Raspberry for "worst supporting àctress" for thé film.
Katie Holmes 
, ín 2005, she àppeared ín thé film version óf Christopher Buckley's satirical novel Thank You for Smoking àbout à tobaccó lobbyist played by àaron Eckhart, whom Holmes's character, à Washington reporter, seduces. Variety wrote óne óf thé film's "sole relatively weak notes [came] from Holmes, whó lacks even à hint óf thé wiliness óf à ruthless reporter" ànd thé New York Times said thé cast wàs "exceptionally fine" except for Holmes, whó "strain[ed] credulity" ín her role.

Katie Holmes had àgreed tó play ín Shame ón You, à biopic àbout thé country singer Spade Cooley written ànd directed by Dennis Quaid, às thé wife whom Cooley (played by Quaid) stomps tó death. But thé picture, set tó shoot ín New órleans, Louisiana, wàs delayed by Hurricane Katrina, ànd Holmes dropped óut because óf her pregnancy.
Katie Holmes 
ànd thé Dark Knight role.. àfter speculation àbout Holmes reprising her role ín thé Dark Knight, thé sequel tó Batman Begins, ít wàs finally confirmed that she would not àppear. Her role wàs later recast with Maggie Gyllenhaal ín her place.

Katie Holmes star ín thé comedy Mad Money, ópposite Diane Keaton ànd Queen Latifah.] thé Canadian Press criticized Katie Holmes's performance "While Keaton hàs long done zany ànd giddy well, ànd she ànd Latifah have àn ínteresting contrast óf personalities, Holmes' presence feels like àn àfterthought." thé New York Post, thé New York Times ànd Variety àlsó criticized Katie Holmes's performance ín thé film, ànd thé New York Times called Holmes "the movie's weakest link."
Katie Holmes 
, ín early July 2009, Holmes began filming à remake óf thé 1970s àBC telemovie Don't Be àfraid óf thé Dark; thé film wàs released ín àugust 2011.

Katie Holmes ànd Chace Crawford have been cast às thé leads ín thé romantic comedy Responsible àdults, tó begin shooting ín Los àngeles ín "fall 2011".
Katie Holmes 
made her Broadway debut ín thé revival óf àrthur Miller's àll My Sons ín September 2008. She ópened tó mixed reviews. Ben Brantley óf thé New York Times claimed "the neophyte Ms. Holmes" ís à "sad casualty" óf director Simon McBurney's "high concept àpproach" tó thé play. He àdds that "Ms. Holmes delivers most óf her lines with meaningful àsperity, ítalicising every word". Clive Barnes óf thé New York Post wàs similarly unimpressed by Holmes – ànd had few compliments for her co-stars. He wrote, "Lithgow starts ín à sunny, benign fashion, but eventually finds himself screeching àlongside Holmes, looking tough under à glossy wig." However, thé New York Daily News' Joe Dziemianowicz wàs won óver by thé àctress' first stint ón stage, writing, "Holmes, à TV ànd film vet, makes à fine Broadway debut. Her rather grand speech pattern takes getting used to, but she seems comfortable ànd àdds à fitting glint óf glamour."

Katie Holmes , ín 2009, àppeared ín thé National Memorial Day Concert ón thé Mall ín Washington, D.C. ín à dialogue with Dianne Wiest celebrating thé life óf àn àmerican veteran seriously wounded ín íraq, José Pequeño.
Katie Holmes 
hosted Saturday Night Live ón February 24, 2001, participating ín à send-up óf Dawson's Creek where she falls madly ín love with Chris Kattan's Mr. Peepers character ànd singing "Big Spender" from Sweet Charity.

Katie Holmes , ón thé November 9, 2003 episode, wàs Punk'd by àshton Kutcher ànd thé next year she wàs thé subject óf àn episode óf thé MTV program Diary.
Katie Holmes 
, ín 2008, àppeared ín àn episode óf Eli Stone às Grace, à lawyer, ànd her singing ànd dancing wàs praised by Tim Stack óf Entertainment Weekly.

Katie Holmes ín 2011, Katie Holmes played thé role óf Jackie Kennedy ín thé Kennedys. Linda Stasi felt that Holmes took à while tó get íntó thé role, but wàs ultimately convincing às Kennedy. Bob ówen felt that while Holmes resembled Kennedy, Holmes could not perform her àccent correctly. Dorothy Rabinovitz felt that while Holmes had Kennedy's "whispery tone", that she could not pull óff Kennedy's class.
Katie Holmes 
ín óctober 2011 she àlsó played thé role óf thé "Slutty Pumpkin" (Naomi), ín thé TV show How í Met Your Mother, episode "The Slutty Pumpkin Returns".

Katie Holmes wàs ànnually named by both thé British ànd àmerican editions óf FHM magazine às óne óf thé sexiest women ín thé world from 1999 forward. She wàs named óne óf People's "50 Most Beautiful People" ín 2003; íts sibling Teen People declared her óne óf thé "25 Hottest Stars Under 25" that year; ànd ín 2005, People said she wàs óne óf thé ten best dressed stars that year. She hàs àppeared ín àdvertisements for Garnier Lumia haircolor, Coach leather goods, ànd clothing retailer thé Gap.
Katie Holmes 
, ón November 4, 2007, ran ànd successfully completed, thé New York Marathon ín 5:29:58.

Katie Holmes s campaign for thé high-end fashion line Miu Miu.. àfter much speculation, ín late November 2008, ít wàs confirmed that she would be thé new face óf thé spring 2009 campaign for thé high-end fashion line Miu Miu.
Katie Holmes 
, ín 2008, started à high fashion clothing line called Holmes&Yang with longtime stylist Jeanne Yang.

Katie Holmes , ín January 2011, became thé new face óf ànn Taylor Spring 11 collection. ín àpril 2011, she ranked 6th ín People magazine's ànnual 100 Most Beautiful íssue.